Utility Patents
Can Medicine Be Patented?
Can Medicine Be Patented? Pharmaceutical manufacturers have successfully patented thousands of medications that are used by millions of people around the world. So, to answer the question: Can medicine be patented? Yes, medicine can be patented. Pharmaceutical makers rake in millions of dollars from the…
Provisional Patent Conversion
If you have already filed a provisional patent application to protect your invention, you’re probably wondering how you can convert your provisional utility patent application into a non-provisional (regular) utility patent application. How to Convert a Provisional Patent Application into a Nonprovisional Patent Application? According…
Can You Patent a Beverage Formula?
If you’ve just created a new drink that tastes different than anything that’s out there, you may be wondering whether you can protect your intellectual property (IP) by patenting the formula for your beverage. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows inventors to…
Can You Extend a Patent?
The USPTO offers three different types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. If you’ve successfully patent your invention or design, you might be wondering how to extend the term of your patent? We will answer this below. Utility patents and plant patents…
Can You Patent a Purse Design?
If you have designed a new pursue, you may be wondering whether you can patent your new purse design? The USPTO offers inventors of new designs the ability to protect their design by applying for a design patent. Design patents allow inventors to restrict others…
Can you Patent a Card Game?
If you’ve just come up with the best card game, can you protect it with a patent? Patents grants inventors a monopoly over their invention for a limited period of time. For utility patents, this protection lasts for 20 years from the date an applicant…
Can Perfume be Patented?
Many inventors create new perfumes, so the question we want to answer today is whether they can patent the perfume they’ve created. Patents are intellectual property rights that grant inventors a monopoly over the invention for a limited period of time, usually 20 years from…
Can You Patent Shoes?
If you’ve just finished working on a new shoe design, you might be wondering whether you can protect the design of your new shoes with a patent? The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows inventors of a new design to protect their design…
Can You Patent a Recipe?
If you’ve been toiling away in the kitchen, and you’ve created the absolutely best cheesecake or French chicken casserole, you might be wondering if you can protect your creation by patenting your awesome recipe? The USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) grants inventors (in…
Why Are Patents Important to Inventors?
Why Are Patents Important to Inventors? Patents are intellectual property rights granted to inventors who invent new inventions, machines, processes, or designs. Patents allow inventors to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention within the United States for a limited period…